Lawn Fertilization
For A Luscious Lawn
We make your green grass dreams come true!

Lawn Fertilizer That’s Like Gourmet Food For Your Yard
Healthy, lush-green grass is a dream come true for homeowner lawn enthusiasts. To foster such grass, you require lawn fertilization. Just like every living thing, your grass needs its nutrients to stay healthy.
Fertilizers are like a buffet table for your grass! Most of the lawns around Atlanta don’t get enough nutrients, so that’s why we turn towards the wonders of fertilizers.

What are the Benefits of Using Fertilizers?
Every lawn and garden television ad talks about how it’s important to fertilize your lawn. But have you ever wondered why? Here, we present to you the top 5 reasons why you should use lawn fertilizers.
Lawn Food That Helps Your Grass Grown Up Healthy
Your lawn grass is always hungry for nutrient-rich food to flourish in its full capacity. It grabs onto the yummy nutrients in the fertilizer to run essential biochemical life processes, adding to its overall health and lush-green appearance. Not only do fertilizers make your lawn look thick and green, but they also become the backbone of your grass by making it more durable.
Sunshine, Water and Fertilizer
While sunshine and water are essential for your grass to stay alive, it is the fertilizer that imparts a quality of life to it. What’s the point if your grass is alive yet weak, shriveled, and discolored?
Fertilizers hold three key elements: phosphorus, nitrate, and potassium. These elements help your lawn grass to bask in the glory of its green-ness.
Faster Growth
It takes a lot of time to grow a lawn without the aid of fertilizers- if it ever happens at all! Fertilizer applications distribute nutrients to all parts of your lawn uniformly and boost the rate of their growth.
Resistance to Pests and Diseases
Fertilizers make your grass blades strong and protect them from pests. They also saturate the nutrient requirement of your lawn and help it naturally fight off diseases.
You save a lot of your money by investing in fertilizers. Instead of spending huge amounts on landscaping, simply use fertilizers!
Types of Lawn Fertilizers
There are many types of fertilizers in the market. They differ from each other based on their nature (organic and inorganic), the ratio of the elements involved (phosphorus, nitrate, and potassium), and physical form (granule, powder, and liquid). Let’s review some of them.
● Organic fertilizers are made using only natural materials such as manure, compost, and other animal and plant products and tend to have a higher level of nutrients.
● Inorganic fertilizer is made using chemically synthesized substances that contain nutrients and are great for short-term use.
● Granule fertilizers can either be mixed with water to form a solution or soaked in the soil with water.
● Powdered fertilizer is a dry form fertilizer that you can either sprinkle over soil or spread it all over using a drop spreader. It must be watered in to ensure it is fully absorbed.
● Liquid-based grass fertilizers are usually mixed with water and spread through a garden hose attachment. It infuses into the grass through the soil or the leaf blades.

A Fantastic Lawn with Minimal Effort
Are you interested in reaping the benefits of a properly fertilized lawn with minimal effort? Look no further and let the Lawn Fertilization Services of Super Turf handle it all for you! We design the perfect fertilizer maintenance plan to ensure your lawn receives treatment that meets its individual needs. Get the green lawn you’ve always wanted.
Call us for dependable, affordable lawn service all year long! We’ll feed your lawn with a proper lawn care program.
Located in Gwinnett County, we want to give you the yard of your dreams. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. Call us and let us show you how lawn care should really be done.
Super Turf LLC
Phone: 844-777-3764
Email: [email protected]
Servicing Gwinnett, Forsyth, Fulton, Dekalb, Cobb county